Eyelash extensions: What effect suits me best?

Eyelash extensions: What effect suits me best?

One of the first questions we ask ourselves when applying eyelash extensions is: What effect suits me best? The first thing we should know is that eyelash extensions that look good on one person do not necessarily look good on another, even if they look physically similar and the chosen effect is the same. This happens because each face is unique and the result of eyelash extensions will depend on our natural eyelash, face type, eye size and shape, eyelid droop and other factors.

Before choosing your effect, it is important that you know what result you want, so that the specialist can adapt the length and curvature of that effect to your face, habits and tastes. After years of experience, in Lashes Madrid We have created and offer three types of effects:

1.- Hair-by-hair mask effect

He hair by hair mask effect It is ideal for those who do not usually use mascara and like to have a natural look. In Lashes Madrid We place an eyelash extension on each natural eyelash, that's why it's called “hair by hair.” The objective is to give a sensation of quantity. With this effect you can always show off your eyelashes without highlighting too much that they are not natural.

2.- Mixed mask effect

He mixed mask effect It is ideal for those who usually use mascara and like to give the sensation of always wearing makeup. To achieve this effect, in Lashes Madrid We intersperse “hair by hair” extensions with volume extensions on each natural eyelash. The objective is to give a sensation of quantity and volume. With this effect you can always show off your made-up eyelashes.

3.- Russian volume effect

He russian volume effect It is ideal for those who want to enhance their look and make it impressive and captivating. To achieve this effect, in Lashes Madrid We place volume extensions on each natural eyelash. The objective is to seduce with our eyes and make it clear that we want to take on the world with our eyes.

If you have any questions or want to know more details about eyelash extensions, you can contact us, in Lashes Madrid We will be happy to assist you.